They take about 4-5 days of their annual leave from their work and private practice to take part in this charity work.
In the kampung they roughed it out in rented kampung houses, sleeping on wooden floors with only a thin mat. They also have to share one bathroom among the 10-15 of them.
Our volunteers are just absolute gifts from heaven!
Medical Team

Members of the medical team are qualified and experienced doctors from government or private hospitals in Malaysia.
Headed by Dr Azri Fickry, many of the are specialists in their fields.
Dental Team

Members of the dental team are all young qualified dentists working for government clinics or private clinics all over Malaysia.
Led by Dr Syasya Fickry, many of them were also volunteers on previous teams to Kampung Chumnik when they were students.

The Liberos are actually general volunteers for the annual community service project.
They are made up of university lecturers, teachers, accountants, engineers and students.
Sunathrone Indonesia

The circumcision team members are made up of doctors and medical assistants from all over Indonesia.
Led by Dr Andi Berlian Tanwir, they come under the banner of Sunathrone Indonesia, a prominent circumcision company highly respected in Indonesia.