Our Programmes

We are committed to provide programmes for the benefit of the underprivileged in Cambodia and Malaysia

Empowering Lives in Cambodia, One Step at a Time

Our goal is to raise the socioeconomic well-being of the people in Kampung Chumnik; to lead them into becoming self sufficient, self sustaining, and to empower themselves out of poverty. Through the years we have tried to help the people in the kampung and its local economy, and life in general.

We believe through education they can escape poverty because education holds the key to reducing poverty especially in a village where children generally stop schooling at age 13. Knowledge in whatever skills they acquire would help them get a better future and life.

The Cambodia Project

The idea for the Cambodia Project was mooted in 2009 and every year since then we’ve provided many social services to help uplift the lives of the people in Kampung Chumnik.

Giving Back to Society

PERMAIBUDI working hand-in-hand with various organisations in Negeri Sembilan

Ramadan Programmes

Additional charity activities during the holy month of Ramadan

Fickry High School

We co-founded the Fickry High School in Kampong Chumnik, Cambodia in 2014 providing dual stream education, religious and national curriculum to the children in the village and the surrounding areas.


Accommodation for the students of Fickry High School

Make a Difference Today

Join our efforts in providing for the children today.

For as little as RM20.00 a month you can keep a child in school.
For RM240.00, a child can go to school for a whole year.